Nothing says summer like a tall, cool glass of lemonade. And everyone knows how disappointing the store-bought drinks, powders, and concentrates can be. Wouldn't it be great if you could make delicious, homemade lemonade, with a strawberry twist, or as Anne P. suggests, " We actually made two batches, one with fresh raspberries." Grab the whole family, head to the farmer's market, and get ready to enjoy the tangy-sweet flavor of homemade strawberry (or raspberry or peach or . . . ) lemonade. Alison, mother of two, found, " The kids had a blast going to the grocery store on a special mission to get the goods."
From the Waterman family came this notion that may help in getting everyone involved, "My boys are 9 and 11. One is interested in chemistry and the other in cooking. This project appealed to both."
- 1 cup of strawberries or raspberries or peaches
- 5 large lemons
- 1 quart of water
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar --or to taste. (In one family, Dad found it a bit tart, "but all the kids will be all over it for that reason.")
- 1 small saucepan
- 1 small wooden spoon
- 1 manual juicer (stainless steel avoids the anxiety that comes with glass)
- 1 measuring cup
Let your kids wash the strawberries, as you slice the lemons in half. Have the children mash or, as Mom Mary H. put it, "mush, mush" the washed strawberries and wring the juice out of the lemons by pressing down and twisting over a juicer. The Watermans put the whole thing in the blender for richer texture. They even suggested adding crushed ice and blending that in as well.
Bring a half-cup of water and sugar to just under a boil, and then simmer until the sugar is dissolved, about 10 minutes. Alternatively, as one family found, the sugar does dissolve without using the stove, albeit "we had to stir it a while." "Well, I'll be!" was four-year-old, Jack's reaction when he discovered that the addition of sugar made his solution taste sweet.
Add the lemon juice and strawberries mash, allow the mixture to cool, then strain it through a large sieve, although one family said they prefer the pulp and left it unstrained. Add in the remaining water. Garnish with lemon and whole strawberries. Get the whole family outside together and enjoy your refreshing berry lemonade over ice.
Having a special audience also made for a fun twist. We were not just making strawberry lemonade, we were making it FOR someone (Grammy, Grandma and Grandpa). --Hannans, family of four in Cincinnati