Whole Family
Captain Burton and Joe Jr. meet in Dr. Alberts' office. Joe Jr. is sitting in the waiting room, paging through a "People" magazine when Captain Burton strides in.
Captain Burton:
Just the man I'm looking for. Nice to see you. How's it going?
What are you doing here?
Captain Burton:
I'm here to see you.
What are you doing? Checking on me?
Captain Burton:
I'm here as a friend. I'm here to help you.
You don't have to come all the way down here. I'm doing all these shrink rap sessions. I don't miss one. Why don't you just call Dr. Alberts? Don't you have more important things to do? Don't you have a station house to run or something? I'm here. I'm seeing Alberts. You don't have to check on me.
Captain Burton:
I came to tell you something. Something important.
Captain Burton:
About a special program we have - for people like you.
What's "people like me?"
Captain Burton:
People who need something, something else, something besides school, beside regular life. It's a program that I run. It's not for everybody. I don't tell most guys about it, only the people who can handle it. It's for people ready for a tough challenge.
I don't have time for challenges.
Captain Burton:
First listen. We take you out to the wilderness... we teach you how to survive. You get away from your family. We go fishing - we go hiking. You learn how to find your own food...we teach you to navigate....
How about a penthouse in Manhattan instead?
Captain Burton:
Manhattan you can survive. Manhattan is about money. This isn't about money. This is about facing yourself. Have you ever even looked inside of yourself? Have you ever thought about who you are?
Did my dad put you up to this? This is such BS. You come here to see me, you know I'm coming to these sessions. Why are you hassling me?
Captain Burton:
You like rock climbing? You learn to rappel. We'll take you to the Gunks and let you scale the rock face. You like karate? We teach you to fight.
I don't know. Why can't you just leave me alone? Why are you bugging me?
Captain Burton:
I don't want to see you in jail - and if you don't straighten out, that's where you're heading.
I'm not going to jail. I'm cool. I'm sure there are millions of guys out there who could better use your help. In fact, I can give you their names and address.
Captain Burton:
I've seen guys like you before on the street. I see them again five years later and they're in prison for 25 years for assault. I don't want that for you, Joe. I'm not gonna let it happen.
So now it's a big charity case thing. Go scour the streets for some guys who need this, who are stealing or murdering.
Captain Burton:
I'm looking for guys of a certain caliber. Like you. Not bums on the street.
Great, lucky me.
Captain Burton:
I'm gonna have a guy call you - one who's done the program. Angelo. Listen to him and then see what you have to say.
Previous Episode: Pam Chats With Chris
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Pamela enters Chris' room. Chris is bent over on her bed, involved in a favorite hobby she hasn't worked on for a long time -- stringing tiny Native American beads. Pamela puts her hand gently on her head. She pulls quickly away.
You're home early from school today, Chris. Can we talk?
I don't want to talk about it.
How do you know what I want to talk about?
I know. Everybody wants to talk about one thing.
Look, I know it won't be easy.
You don't know anything.
Here's the situation. In a case like this -
I am not going to testify. Isn't it bad enough that I got raped, and that the whole world knows, because of Joe?
That isn't what I came in to talk to you about. Just put that out of your mind for now.
I can't put it out of my mind.
I didn't come in here to talk about you testifying. There is only one thing you have to think about now and that is your health. I want to get you to a doctor. You have to see a doctor.
I don't want anybody touching me. I don't want some strange man -
I have found a female gynecologist. She's very sensitive, a very fine woman, she works with Dad.... I made an appointment for an hour from now -
In an hour? And you didn't tell me?
I just got the appointment. It was very hard, but Dad helped me get it.
But why didn't you tell me?
I'm telling you now! I just made the appointment. We'll leave in about half an hour, so I wanted to have a few minutes to talk to you first.
What are you afraid of - that I have AIDS?
You have no idea what this...guy might have.
Yes, he could have AIDS; yes, he could have another sexually transmitted disease. You have to be checked.
And if I have AIDS? Then what?
Then we'll deal with it. But I don't think you have AIDS.
Chris (voice rising):
It's just getting worse. Every time I think it's as bad as can be, it gets worse. Are you also thinking that I might be pregnant?
Calm down, Chris. It's not going to be easy for you, but we have to find out what your medical situation is. This gynecologist is a nice lady, Chris -
You don't understand, you've never been through anything like this. You never had anything bad happen to you.
You don't know what's happened to me in my life, okay? Maybe some day we'll talk. There's a lot about me you don't know. And this is not the time or place to go into it, but...trust me on this one. She's dealt with other cases like yours; this is not the first time, and she's...you've got to do it. I know you don't want to do it. I will be there. If you want, your father can meet us at the hospital, if that makes you feel better. We will give you any support that you need. If you want to be alone with her, you can be alone with her.
You're not my mother. Don't act so nice to me, like you care about me, want to be with me, take care of me...You came, you took my father away, you make a whole other family that I didn't want...I got raped, I have AIDS, I'm probably dying -
You're not dying, Chris, and what makes you think I don't care about you?
You have Judith - Miss Perfect. You have all your kids who are so perfect.
My children are not perfect, and you children are not perfect, and your father and I are not perfect. We're all just human beings like everybody else. And right now, you're a girl who had a horrible, awful experience and we want to help you. And this is the most important thing to do right now. And if you want somebody else to help you, someone to talk to -
I don't want to talk to anybody else! It's enough! Fine, fine. I'll go. I will go, but I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk to the doctor, you can tell the doctor, I'm just going to be there.
Fine. I will be there, I will talk to the doctor. If she has any specific questions, I'll help you answer them.
I don't want you to come. I want my father.
Okay. I'll drive you to the hospital and you'll meet your father there. And if you want me to leave you alone with him, that's also okay.
Chris (barely a whisper):
Next Episode: Call of the Wild
Previous Episode: A Frantic Morning and a Thief
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It's 6:45 AM. An alarm goes off. Pamela wakes up and begins to rouse the family. She goes downstairs in her robe to grab her first cup of pre-brewed coffee before dealing with the new morning, five children and all they have been through recently.
Joe Jr. wakes up, stretches, throws on a robe and walks toward the bathroom. He waits patiently, for a change, till Judith comes out, and then goes into the shower.
There is the faint sound of clicking and typing from the computer, indicating that one of the younger boys got up early and is already downstairs.
Judith peeks into her parents' room and sees that Joseph is still asleep, deep under the covers. She tiptoes quietly into their bathroom and starts to put on makeup, borrowing generously from Pamela's make-up kit.
Pamela returns to the room and sits down on the bed. Pamela quietly speaks to Judith through the open bathroom door.
I wanted to speak to you last night but you were so busy on the computer...Why are you up at all hours of the night?
I'm talking to my friends in England, Mum. Petie showed me how to get online months ago. I don't know what I would do without my "buddy list." I miss them so much.
Is that what Petie's doing on the computer, too? Talking with friends?
I don't know exactly what he's doing. It wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on him. He's on the computer day and night.
Isn't he just using it for schoolwork, and playing games?
Don't be so sure. Do you know that you can do anything on the net? You can buy weapons. You can download pornography. You can build a bomb.
Don't be silly, Judith. He's just a child. Petie would never do such a thing.
Judith walks out of the bedroom. In the hallway, she passes an angry looking Chris who is on her way into their parents' room.
Someone's been in my stuff again! I had ten dollars in my pack and now it's missing!
It must be a mistake. I don't believe anyone would take your money, Chris.
Are you calling me a liar? Don't you think I know how much money I have in my wallet? It was there last night before I went to bed! I bet it's that little angel of yours, Mac!
Don't be absurd! No one is taking your money. Look, you know things have been in an uproar lately. Perhaps you misplaced it. Let's check your room again.
Chris (bitterly):
Why bother? It's not there. Why are you assuming I don't know what I'm doing? Why don't you check your son's wallet?
Chris walks angrily downstairs. Joe Jr. passes Pamela in the upstairs hall, a towel wrapped around him.
You're going to be late, Joe, if you aren't ready to leave soon.
Joe Jr.:
I'll be on time. I'm taking the car.
Joseph (sleepily, from bedroom):
You're not taking the car.
Joe Jr. walks into the master bedroom.
Joe Jr. (surprised and angry):
Why the hell not?
Joseph (who has gotten out of bed and is on the way into his bathroom):
You are not responsible enough to take the car. When I get a clean report from your counselor, then we'll talk car.
Joe Jr.:
I never drive when I'm high! I've been doing time with the shrink!
You're not getting the car.
Joe Jr. stomps out of the room.
Pamela walks down the stairs; sees Petie at the computer.
Petie, it's time to go to school. And when you come home, I'd like you to show me what you do on the computer.
Petie nods imperceptibly and stays on the computer.
Petie (mumbles under his breath):
Just a minute.
Pamela stands and waits.
What are you doing on there, anyway?
I'm getting Lara Croft out of the tomb hall.
Lara what?
I can't explain it to you. You don't understand computer stuff.
I understand you've been teaching Judith. Maybe you could teach me.
Petie (slightly annoyed):
She already knows. I just showed her a few tricks.
Well, get ready now. It's getting late and you've got a bus to catch.
Joe Sr. walks down the stairs, knotting his tie.
Joe, we've got to talk about Chris.
Joe Sr.:
I'm late for work. I'll call you on the car phone.
This is important.
Joe Sr:
(opening the front door): Whatever it is, it will have to wait.
Next Episode: Pam Chats With Chris
Previous Episode: Judith and Joe Have a Chat Outside
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Mac finds Judith in the den, aimlessly surfing the channels of daytime TV. He curls up next to her on the couch. She puts her arm around her little brother and draws him close. Mac begins to speak.
Judith, how come you hate Joe so much?
Who says I hate him?
You always fight with him and you look so mean when you talk to him. I heard what you said to Mum. You know the drugs and stuff.
He's rude and I would never want him for my brother or for a friend....
But he's nice to me. And he's nice to his sister. He beat up this really bad guy who hurt her. I don't think you should be so mean to him.
Listen Malcolm, don't worry about it. If you want to like him, that's fine. But you should know he's not the big hero you think he is. Never mind, you wouldn't understand.
Mac leaves.
Judith blankly stares at the TV and thinks to herself, "I hate this family. Mum will never leave Joseph and Dad doesn't want me to come to England. Even Mac doesn't understand why I can't stand that disgusting stepbrother..." She goes out into the back yard and sits under a tree. Tears roll down her cheeks. She doesn't see Joe approach.
What's your problem?
Judith (quickly drying her tears):
Ugh, it's you.
I love you too, princess.
Stop calling me princess. I hate it.
You want to know why I call you princess?
Not rea...
Because from the moment you came into this family all you've done is act like you're better than us.
I don't have to...
What do you know about me, Judith? You're so damn stuck on yourself that you don't have a clue about anyone else. All you do is feel sorry for yourself and blame us for your misery.
No, I ...
Joe (bitterly):
I'm terribly sorry, Judith, that my sister got raped and psycho me had to waste the guy. Very dirty stuff for a proper British girl.
Shut up, Joe. You think your so smart. Well, I can say the same thing to you that you told me - you don't have a clue about me.
Oh Lord, did I hear you right? We actually have something in common? Well, this is cause for celebration.
Everything with you is a joke. It's impossible to be real with you.
Are you suggesting you want to bear your soul to me? How touching.
Forget it. You're such a stupid ass. For a moment there I actually felt some sympathy for you.
Keep your pity, Judith. I'm not interested.
I didn't mean it that way. (She pauses) The guy was a pig. I guess he deserved it, though it was pretty stupid of you to be the one to get violent and get yourself into trouble.
I'm shocked. I think you actually agree with something I did. Of course you would have preferred that I talk to the lad. Perhaps, I should have suggested to him that his behavior was inappropriate. Yes, here it is. This is what I should have said, "Excuse me Derek, but I understand you might have raped my sister. I do believe that was not a proper thing to do. In the future never again act in such a cowardly fashion." Yeah, that would have done it all right. That would have gotten his attention.
Forget I ever said anything. It just doesn't pay to be nice to you.
Then don't bother. I don't want your brand of niceness. The fine print reads, "You're no good, Joe. Yes, he was a creep but you should have done it my way - the right way."
Judith doesn't answer. She fights off tears and then gets up and leaves without saying anything.
Judith flees to her room, a room she shares with Chris, after her talk in the back yard with Joe. She huddles in the corner on the floor with letters from her friends in England. Tears roll down her cheeks as she reads them.
Chris comes in and sees Judith crying. Judith hurriedly wipes away the tears. Chris doesn't speak to her, but curls up in her big chair, her head down. The scene is two young women looking fairly dejected, each for her own reasons.
Finally, Judith speaks.
How are you doing, Chris?
How do you think? (No answer from Judith.) Well, pretty lousy, thanks to my big brother, who made sure that the whole town would know about what happened.
Maybe what he did wasn't so bad.
Yeah, easy for you to say. How would you like walking through the halls at school and hearing people whisper after you, "slut" and "Got any for me"?
Listen, I'm really sorry that this happened to you. I know it must be horrible, but at least you know that Joe put him out of commission for a while.
This is a scoop - you defending Joe. I thought you hated his guts.
I do, but, I mean, I don't...I don't want to hate anybody. What I mean is, it's disgusting to think that someone can do things like that to girls and never get punished for it.
Yeah, well, this is one more pig who won't get punished either.
But you can do something about that. You can testify against him in court.
Yeah, right, I've heard that one before. What does everyone think I am - some kind of Joan of Arc? Why do I have to be the one to get up on the stand? There were lots of girls he's raped. Why do I have to be the brave one?
Because you are. Brave, I mean. You're gutsy.
There is a long pause while Chris thinks about it. She looks up at Judith and sees someone different than who she had thought she was.
Why would you give me a compliment like that? You never did it before. I thought you thought I was some kind of slut.
I never really thought that. I mean, I think you could dress a little less provocatively -
Yeah, aren't these clothes weird enough for you?
Well, they aren't so bad, but, I mean, there's something in between...what I'm trying to say is, I don't think that clothes always reflect the person inside. But unfortunately, guys think they do. So when you wear something that is very revealing, it might be just because it's fun for you, but they might think you're sending a message that you're...ready for anything.
Just what I needed - a lecture on modesty.
Chris, I'm not trying to lecture you. I think you've been through something terrible and that you're brave and I think that with the support of the family maybe you can go on the stand and put this scumball away. And I think that what Joe did might have been kind of primitive but at least he was protecting your honor. Not every brother would do that for his sister.
(quietly): So what do you think I should do now? (Quiet again.) And when did we all of a sudden become a family that supports each other?
Well, maybe we're not a family but that still doesn't mean I can't support you. You know it could have happened to me as well.
Right, you're just the type to go up to a room with a strange guy.
Chris, I'm not the prissy you think I am.
Yeah, but you're not me either.
Next Episode: A Frantic Morning and a Thief
Previous Episode: Joe's First Therapy Session
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Joe walks into Dr. Alberts' office. It has flowers on a table in the waiting room and photos of unusual people and places on the wall. There is a soft earth-colored rug. It is warm and inviting. Joe stands aimlessly looking at one of the photos. A man, about 45, dressed in corduroy slacks and a faded beige vest comes out and invites Joe into his office.
Dr Alberts:
Have a seat, Joe. (Pauses while he looks at the police charge sheet.) I suppose you know why you're here?
Because I've been told by the Law to come.
Dr Alberts:
From the look of this rap sheet the Law had good reason to send you to me. In fact, they were mighty kind to you. These are some serious offences. I see you almost killed this kid who allegedly raped your sister...
What do you mean "allegedly"? You know I wouldn't be talking to you if it was alleged.
Dr Alberts:
...and that you got caught with a bag of coke. Certainly seems to me you've got some stuff to work on. (Pauses) Here's the deal, Joe. You come to sessions and there won't be any charges brought against you.The captain told you that he's going to keep track of whether you come or not. I'll keep him informed about your attendance. Everything else between us is confidential. Right now you're here against your will but I hope real soon you'll realize that you need to work on yourself.
Tell me is this going to be like "Good Will Hunting?" You'll be real cool and maybe even tell me about your wife and try to pretend to be real with me and then I'll open up and tell you why I'm such an angry loser. Isn't that the way it works?
Dr Alberts:
Well, Robin Williams was a good therapist. I see that I'm going to have to be very clever to get through to you. Basically here's the story: you've got to be here, I'm getting paid anyway, so we can sit here, stare at each other and do nothing. Or, since you have to be here anyway, why don't we make it easier for both of us and...
So go ahead. Ask me questions. No, here I got the question for you. I know you're dying to ask it. (He speaks very slowly, elongating each word.)
"How did your mother's death affect you?" That's a good shrink question, isn't it?
Before Dr. Alberts can answer, he quickly answers his own question.
Yup, I'll confirm it. I'm all messed up from the death of my mother. I used to be a good kid, a happy kid, she died, everything fell apart. There, you've got it in a nutshell doc. I even read that book by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Stages of Death and Dying. So now tell me something new and original.
Dr Alberts:
No, you tell me something new and original. The only thing you've shown me so far is that you can do a fair imitation of Will and every other smart ass kid with a chip on his shoulder. So you want to be real. Here's real: You're either going to kill yourself or somebody else. It's a miracle I'm not talking to you in prison. You were high as a kite when you beat him up. And you had enough coke in yourpocket to knock a horse on his rear end.
I wasn't high, I was drunk. And what do you care?
Dr Alberts:
At this point, I don't know if I care or not. If I can get through to you, I'll care about you. If I get through to you, you'll be real to me. Right now you're just one more kid with an attitude.
You think what you've shown me so far is original and clever? Forget it. I've seen hundreds of kids like you. Each had his "cool" attitude. With some, I found out that there was a person underneath it. When I did, we both won. So you can remain a tough kid with an attitude and you'll lose and I'll lose but you'll lose a hell of a lot more than me. I'll go home to my wife and kids but you'll lose because you'll be throwing away your life.
So that's it. You want to remain a tough kid with an attitude or you want to get real with me? Get real with me and I'll help you.
Joe doesn't say anything. He just looks at him.
Next Episode: Judith and Joe Have a Chat Outside
Previous Episode: Chris Confronts Joe
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Chris comes home from school, dejected and wanting to go up to her room and hide. She sees Joe in the kitchen, eating. She turns on him/
How could you! How could you do that to me?
Joe (stunned):
How could I do what?
How could you let the whole world know about what happened?!
Joe (incredulous): Whoa there! Are you telling me that you're mad because I wasted the guy?
What, you think you were a hero? (Cries) Who asked for it? I don't need a protector! If you weren't so busy trying to save me, nobody would have known about this!
Seems to me, Chris, that you didn't do such a hot job of protecting yourself.
Neither did you. You were high as a kite that night! And you got caught with the stuff on you!
How do you know?
Everybody at school knows, just like everybody at school knows that you beat him up because he raped me. Oh, so, great, my big brother protector almost kills a guy and gets busted for drugs. Aren't I lucky that you're looking out for me...
Someone has to, Chris. When I saw you looking like you wanted to die, something snapped in me. I didn't care what would happen to me, I just wanted to kill the guy.
Don't you understand! I didn't want you to! I just wanted it to all go away! Now my friends are trying to convince me to press charges, to testify...a whole rape trial might come out of this!
What if it does! I hope it does! I hope he gets put away forever!
Get real, Joe! It will be my word against his! I didn't even go to the hospital or the police station after it happened! How will that look?
Chris breaks down and begins to cry. She sits at the table and sobs. Joe puts his hand on her head.
Chrissie, I didn't mean to hurt you. I only wanted to kill the piece of dirt who did that to you. I'll stand by you. You won't go into this alone.
Joe hears a sound and looks toward the door. He see the two little brothers, Petie, 10 (his brother) and Malcolm, 6 (Judith's brother, Joe and Chris' stepbrother) standing there.
Joe (worried):
How long have you two been standing there?
Long enough to understand.
Understand what?
Come on, Joe, do you think, I'm stupid?
Mac, what do you understand?
Malcolm (Mac) Austen
I don't know. It sounds like something bad happened.
Come outside guys. Let's sit on the patio, and let's talk about this.
Chris runs up to her room while Joe takes the little brothers out to the patio.
Someone hurt Chris so I beat him up.
Petie doesn't ask for more details. He doesn't know how much Mac understands.
What about the cocaine she was talking about?
I got caught with a little bit of cocaine. I wasn't going to take it. Someone gave it to me and I didn't get rid of it yet.
Petie doesn't look like he believes him. Little Mac looks confused.
Look guys, it's been a rough couple of days. But don't worry. Things are going to be all right.
Next Episode: Joe's First Therapy Session
Previous Episode: Chris Back at School
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Chris returns to school subdued. She is dressed in loose, unrevealing clothes. Her hair is pulled back in a rubber band at the nape of her neck. She is wearing no make-up. She goes quickly to her locker. While she is taking out her books her best friend, Erin, comes up and begins to talk to her.
I heard what happened. That creep! I would like to....
Yeah, thanks to my brother, the whole school, the whole town probably knows.
Don't blame him! Any brother would have done the same!
For what? It can't change anything.
What are you going to do?
What do you mean, "do"? What should I do?
Go to the police, press charges...
Are you crazy! That's all I need, a public rape trial. Anyway, no one will believe me. They'll say I was asking for it, that I shouldn't have dressed like I did, that I shouldn't flirt like I do, that I shouldn't have gone upstairs with him...
What are you saying!? That it's your fault? That's nuts! Nobody asks to be raped, no matter how they dress! And what business is it of anybody else's? Is that why you're wearing these weird clothes today? You look like you're ready to sign up at St. Theresa's.
They'd never take me. I'm a slut...
No, you're not! You didn't do anything wrong. You've got to talk to a counselor or psychologist or something. Turn the creep into the police!
The police? Never!
Just as Erin and Chris are talking, some of Derek's (the rapist) friends walk by. One of them, Kyle, stops and stares at Chris and then spits out,
Because of you Derek is in the hospital. If you didn't want it, why did you go upstairs with him? What are you stupid? What did you think he would do? You wanted it, admit it.
Chris cringes and looks for somewhere to run to. There is nowhere.
Listen, dirtbag, get out of her face. You and your friend are filth. One more word to her and I will make it my personal business to see to it that no girl would ever have a reason to get near you again.
Oh, I'm trembling.
Kyle and his friends walk away.
Erin stares after them like she's ready to take on the whole group.
Chris (crying):
Don't you get it? Everyone is going to say I "asked for it." I hate Joe. The whole thing could have just disappeared.
Things like this don't just "disappear" Chris. You've got to do something about this. Joe did the right thing. It's about time someone caught up to Derek Potter. There are three other girls in this town that he's raped in the past year. Everyone knows about it, but none of them would testify.
Yeah, so why didn't they? Because they know it won't help and it will just make them look bad! Besides, if you knew that about him, why didn't you warn me?
Warn you! I wasn't even at that party! How should I think to warn you about every pig in this town?
See! You're blaming me too!
I'm not blaming you! I'm just saying I didn't think of it.
Tell me the truth, Erin. What do you think about the fact that I went upstairs with him?
Chrissie, you made a mistake. Just forget it now.
How can I forget it if you're telling me to testify?
I mean, don't think that it was your fault! Come on, just do it. I promise you I'll be with you. I'll help you get through this. You'll not only know you're getting back at him, you'll save a lot of other girls from him...
Forget it. It's not going to happen.....
Next Episode: Chris Confronts Joe
Previous Episode: Pamela and Joseph Talk in Bed After the Storm
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Pamela and Joseph have gone to sleep, exhausted, after the long and crisis-filled night. They awake in bed early Sunday afternoon. Joe is sleeping off his hangover. Chris is sleeping to escape the reality of her date rape. Judith and the others have escaped the reality of the family by going to friends. The house is quiet.
Pamela opens her eyes and sees Joseph already awake, lying there quietly and looking out the window. She moves closer to him in bed and lays her head on his chest. He puts his arm around her and strokes her hair.
I can't believe what we've just been through. I feel like everything is falling apart.
It's like we've been dropped into the bottom of hell.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. I think about last year in Paris and I don't understand how we got from that point to this. Remember sitting at that wonderful sidewalk cafe near Pompideau, talking about joining our lives and our families? I was so excited and hopeful. Is there something we're doing wrong, something we should have done differently?
I wish I knew.
He pulls her closer. She begins to softly cry. He wipes away her tears.
Joseph, I love you and I want so badly for this to work. I'm so confused and scared.
So am I, Pam. Look at us. You and I both work in the ER. It's so much easier dealing with someone else's crises. I can always leave the hospital and go home. Now... I just don't understand what happened to Joe and Chris. They had their problems, but never anything like this.
Pamela (hesitant):
Joseph, maybe the problems were already there, and you just didn't see them? Maria was sick for a long time. You were busy with her, with working to hold the family together.
Joseph (after a long pause):
Maybe. I don't know. Maybe things were going on that I was just too busy to see, too busy first with Maria and then with my grief.
They're good kids underneath it all. I'm not a psychologist but I know that both Chris and Joe have been through some heavy emotional trauma. They've lost their mother, they've moved to a new city, they've got a new brother and sister and I know Judith is not easy to get along with...worst of all, another woman has taken their mother's place.
We have to deal with this together. Maybe if we took time off from work and got back to where we once were we could find solutions to these problems. The kids have got to understand that we love each other and that we're going to make this work.
I don't know if it's enough. When I suggested going for family therapy, you resisted. We can't do it without help. I agree that we need time away from the stress of work to reconnect, but we must go for therapy. Things are too far out of control.
Pamela (She's silent for some time):
Joseph, I want so badly for this marriage and this family to work but pouring out my soul to a stranger is not my way. There are some things I just don't want to have to talk about. You and I don't need therapy; we need time together. Isn't it enough that Joe gets counseling? Maybe we should also get Chris into some kind of personal therapy, without the family, to deal with the rape?
I'll talk to the social worker at the hospital tomorrow and see what she recommends. (He is on the verge of angry tears.) How could someone do that to her? Maybe Joe was right. I should have been the one to go back to that party and beat him up, drag him off to the police...
What would that have accomplished? But it's true that we should have gotten her to the hospital, made a police report, gotten evidence...now he'll just roam free till the next innocent girl comes along...It makes me sick, I can't stand the idea of him being free...
She'll never testify.
Maybe she will. Give her a few days, a few weeks.
She'll never be the same again...
Joseph, she's a strong girl inside. We'll help her and somehow she'll get beyond it.
You know she'll never get over it. It will color her relationships with other boys, with men when she's older. I can't stand to think about it...
Then don't. Let's just take it one day at a time. Let's think of the positive. They are all good kids, Joe, Chris, Judith, all of them. They have two strong parents who love each other and who want to make it work. They will get professional help. We'll work it out. It won't be easy but we can do it. I know we can. I love you too much and I love our children too much to let this fail. And when it's all over, we'll be stronger and we'll get through anything.
I love you Pam.
Joseph draws Pamela closer to him...
Next Episode: Chris Back at School
Previous Episode: The Next Morning at Home
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It is very early the next morning, Sunday. Judith comes down to breakfast. There is nobody around. A car pulls into the drive. Joseph, Pamela and Joe Jr. come in.
What's going on?
Joe goes up to his room without answering. Joseph goes into his office, sits down at his desk and puts his head in his hands. Pamela sits down next to Judith in the kitchen.
We were at the police station.
What?! What happened now?
Joe went back to the party and beat up within an inch of his life the guy who date raped Chris. When the police arrested him, they found cocaine in his pocket.
Judith (gasping for breath):
Date raped?!? Party? Cocaine? Mum, What the hell is going on here??
Oh my God, you don't even know! Chris came home crying -
I was here for that part, remember? You sent me to sleep in the den. I go to sleep with just a slutty stepsister crying into her pillow and I wake up to rape, violence and drugs!!!
Pamela (angry):
Judith, lower your voice! I'm doing all I can to hold this family together! Watch what you say! How dare you talk about Chris like that, after what she's been through...
She was probably asking for it, Mum! How do you know what happened? Maybe there's another side to the story -
Joe (appearing in the kitchen, furious):
Oh yeah?! Even the police chief said this guy is a known rapist, only no one will ever testify! And how dare you call my sister a slut! You piece of English snobbery!
You are the lowest, most disgusting -
Pamela (shouting):
Stop it! Stop it! Both of you! Joe, why did you come back down?
For an aspirin. Is that allowed, or is suffering from a hangover part of my punishment?
What kind of sick family is this? How did this happen? I want to go back and live with Dad in London. (She walks out.)
Judith goes to the den to call her father. Pamela collapses on the living room couch. Joe gets a bottle of aspirin out of a cupboard and goes back upstairs. Pamela starts to cry.
Dad? Is that you? It's Judith. No, I'm not okay. I hate it here. I want to come back home to London and live with you! I can't stand it anymore. These people are all crazy! Please, how soon can you arrange for me to come?
here is silence in the room as Judith listens to her father.
No, I can't calm down. (Listens.) Oh. Sure, well... I understand. What's her name? You're moving to where? That's nowhere near my old school. (Pause.) Yes, I have enough; money isn't the problem...sure, I guess I can give it some more time...talk to you in a few weeks.
Judith listens some more on the phone and then hangs up, her voice shaking as she says, "I love you too, Dad." She puts down her head on the desk and cries.
Next Episode: Pamela and Joseph Talk in Bed After the Storm
Previous Episode: Joe at the Police Station
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The police officers shove Joe into the car and drive him to the Danbury police station. As soon as they arrive they call the captain at his house.
Police Officer:
Captain Burton, I'm sorry to disturb you sir but I think you should come down to the station.
Why? What could be so damn important that it can't wait till morning?
Police Officer:
Sir, we busted that doc's kid. You know the one who saved Lt. Goodman's life. I thought you should handle this.
Okay. Get the coffee pot going.
Ten minutes later the captain arrives. He speaks briefly with the arresting officers.
Captain (to Joe Jr.):
It's Joe, right?
Joe Jr.:
Well, kid, looks like you're in major league trouble. Possession and assault - serious stuff, Joe. Call your parents and tell them to come right down to the station.
Joe Jr. (sullen):
What for?
Don't be smart with me Joe. Your old man's the best thing going for you. He saved my buddy last week. Call him now!
Joe Jr.:
I'm glad he's a big hero to you. Tonight he should have been the one to waste the creep, not me. She's his daughter!
Look kid, you have two choices. Call your father or call someone else. Make that three choices. Or we'll have you taken to a cell and you don't have to call anyone.
Joe calls Joseph. He is woken up from a deep sleep.
Joseph (sleepy):
Who is it?
Joe Jr.:
It's me.
Joseph (sits up in bed, suddenly awake):
Where are you?
Joe Jr.:
I'm sitting with your friend, Captain Burton. I just wasted the guy who did it to Chris.
What do you mean?
Joe Jr.:
I messed up his face. But they brought the wrong guy into the police station.
Police station!
Joe Jr.:
Look, they want you to come down here.
Joseph hangs up and gets out of bed, dressing quietly.
Pamela (sleepy):
Joseph, what's the matter? Where are you going?
Joe's in trouble. He called from the police station. He beat up the guy who raped Chris.
Oh God, you were afraid he'd do something... Do you want me to come with you?
No, I'll handle it.
Not without me. He's my son too, now.
Okay. Come along. (Pause) I want you to come along.
Pamela gets dressed. She and Joseph go downstairs quietly and drive to the police station.
How badly hurt do you think the boy is, for them to have taken Joe in?
I don't know.
Pamela sighs but is silent. They pull into the parking lot at the station and take another deep breath before getting out of the car.
There is silence in the car. Joseph wants to say something but doesn't know how to start. Pamela puts her hand on his for a moment. They get out of the car and enter the station. They are met by Captain Burton, who gives Joseph a warm hello.
Captain Burton:
Come with me. Joe is waiting with Sergeant Ross.
They go into the captain's office. Joe is sitting in a hard chair, staring out the window into darkness. Joseph walks over and puts his hand on Joe's shoulder.
What happened, Joe?
The sergeant tosses a packet of white powder onto the desk.
That's what happened.
Captain Burton:
That's all for now, Sergeant Ross. I'll take over from here.
The Sergeant leaves the room and Captain Burton offers chairs to Pamela and Joseph.
Captain Burton:
We have to talk, Dr. Kutchinsky, Mrs. Kutchinsky. Can I get you some coffee?
No. Go ahead.
Captain Burton:
We know all about the punk that Joe almost killed. He's bad news. Joe told one of the men the story in the car on the way to the station. Your daughter is the fourth girl he's raped. None of them would testify. Did you save evidence?
She showered, but there's her underwear...
Captain Burton:
Will she testify?
I doubt it. She's devastated. I could hardly get her to talk to me about it. She refused to go to the hospital.
Joe Jr.:
So why am I here? That pig should be here!
Captain Burton (harshly):
You know damn well why you're here. What do you think we found on you, a bag of flour? Beating the crap out of a rapist is small fry stuff in comparison. Possession of cocaine is a serious felony.
Joe Jr.:
I didn't have that much. Half the kids at the party had drugs. Why didn't you bust them?
What difference does that make? You practically killed a kid. Coke and booze are turning you into an animal.
Joe Jr.:
Call me what you want Dad but while you were arguing with your new wife I was taking care of business. I did what you didn't have the guts to do.
What the hell's happened to you Joe?
Joe, Joseph, calm down. Let the captain speak. He obviously has something more to say.
Captain Burton:
Yes, I do have more to say. Here's the deal kid. You're going into counseling. You got some serious stuff to work out.
Joe Jr.:
Captain Burton:
Shut up Joe. I'm not interested in your opinion.
He pulls out a card from his top desk drawer and hands it to Joe.
Captain Burton:
This is the name of a psychologist who works with the force. He's a good man, the best. If you want to stay out of jail, I'd better hear that you made an appointment with him this week and that you'll keep it on regular basis.
Joe Jr.:
Until when?
Captain Burton:
Until I say so. That's the deal. Dry out, detox yourself and drop that attitude. I'm giving you a chance - one chance, You're going into counseling, that's the deal. Miss one session and I'm all over your case. Time you get your life together and get the chip off your shoulder. Move on. You've got brains. You're honorable but trying to avenge your sister the way you did was a real stupid thing to do...you're lucky he didn't die.
What if I don't like him?
Captain Burton:
I don't care whether you like him or hate him. You're going. He's the best there is. Your father saved a policeman's life last week or I wouldn't even be giving you this chance.
What's that got to do with it?
Captain Burton:
You're right it shouldn't. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm hoping the shrink can find the good stuff. It's there.
(To Joseph and Pamela) Take him home.
Next Episode: The Next Morning at Home
Previous Episode: Joe Returns to the Party and Hunts Down the Guilty Party
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Toby and Michael
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