Sex And Intimacy Sex Therapist
Sex and Intimacy
I am a 32-year-old man. My problem is that my wife, who is 34, never ever initiates sex at all. She is never in the mood…
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, First I would like to comment on how good this site looks and how informative it is. I am writing regarding a question my fianc?e recently asked me, "What are the signs of being pregnant?" and truthfully I didn't know how to answer her. Please help me out. Signed, Clueless Dear "Clueless," The first sign of pregnancy for most women is the absence of menstruation following conception. Some women, especially those who have been pregnant before, find their breasts and abdomens have a heavy feeling and their nipples are unusually sensitive. But, for the majority of women, missing a period is the first sign.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I got married for the first time about a month back -- both of us are virgins. I am having difficulty entering her during sex. Please provide us some direction. Dear "I Need Direction," There are a few possible reasons why you are having trouble with penetration. Firstly, are you clear about the anatomy of the vagina and the surrounding area -- the vulva? This might sound elementary, but lots of people, not only virgins, are quite ignorant about women's sex organs.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I have been with my wife for 10 yrs now. Recently we had a big argument and it lasted on and off for about a year. I have never had any other sexual partners before my wife but she has had 3. I don't know why but during the period that we were disagreeing with one another, I asked her how the other guys were, sexually. She told me a few things and it really got me down. Sexually I think I perform ok or at least I did until I asked my wife what I did.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I'm married with three young children. We are both working. By the time we take care of our clients and children, we have little energy for one another. We rarely reach sexual encounter. I often experience pre-mature ejaculation. Any suggestions? Thanks, Sexually Frustrated Dear "Sexually Frustrated," One of the biggest problems that I hear as a sex therapist is that young, busy couples cannot find quality time to get together to enjoy each other by themselves.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I'm so happy to finally come across your web site... My name is Julie. I'm curious to know if there's anything that can be done about a husband and wife that have different opinions about having sex with more than just their spouse. My husband has expressed his curiosity about having sex with a girl friend and me.... Since we already have done this, I'm inclined to think he's manipulating me. He already knew the answer, so why is he asking me? I don't mind him having sex with my girl friends even if I'm not there.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I have other problems but right now I'd like to talk about this problem. I experience pain in my vagina rather easily. I have a 13-year-old daughter and I am 40 years old, my husband is two years older. He is a little inhibited and my fear of pain worsens the matter. I have always reacted to vaginal examinations with terror and only a very sensitive doctor is able to get me to relax to a certain extent and examine me without causing me much pain.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I think my husband is really a pervert. He wants threesome, anal sex, pierced bellybutton and a tattoo. I don't want any of these. Then my husband said I don't really love him. He just can't accept my decision. I started disliking sex. I don't want to have sex rest of my life. He said I am closed mind. I am Japanese and my husband is American. Maybe culture gap or something. We are not open for sex. At least when I was growing up.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I am having a real problem with my fiance. We are getting married this summer and I love him with all my heart. Unfortunately, I am not very physically attracted to him. Once we're intimate and actually having sex, I'm totally satisfied by him. However, I never initiate sex and often tell him I'm not in the mood. I am taking Prozac, which I know can be a real libido problem for women. I think this, coupled with the fact that my fiance is not a real scorcher, have led me to have a barren sex life.
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