Parenting Marital QA
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, How do I get my husband to understand that I don't have any free time to myself? I have a three-year-old daughter who demands all my time. I work full-time and my daughter goes to preschool. By the time I get home from work I am tired and have to make dinner, clean up the dishes and get my daughter ready for bed. I don't even have time for myself except on the weekends, if that. He tells me I don't love him like I did before I had my daughter because I spend more time taking care of her then spending quality time with him. He never helps me with her at all. I have told him if he helps me more often with her and things around the house I would have more time for him but he just keeps complaining I don't love him and don't want to spend time with him.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, My fiancé and I have been together for two and a half years and are getting married in two weeks. We have an 18-month-old son together and have lived together for two years. I just found out that nine months ago he had a one night stand with his ex-girlfriend and she just had a baby. She is not sure if it is his or not but for now we are assuming that it is. We have decided to work things out. I am very hurt and scared of how I will feel if the baby is his and we start seeing it and everyone will know that he cheated on me. I love him very much and am willing to forgive him this time but have made it very clear that there cannot be a second time.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, My husband and I are both dealing with grief issues. I lost my dad one year ago, and my husband recently lost his father. I was hoping this would be a process we could go through together, however, he is in complete retreat mode. He sleeps and works and has not been communicating with me at all. When others ask how he is doing, he says "fine." I know he is hurting, but he won't allow me to help him! In addition, he has not been there to support me! He is a "macho" type policeman, who has buried lots of junk, and I think he is afraid to feel his emotions.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I just stumbled across your site as I was looking for some kind of help for my problem...I hope that you can offer some advice. I hope that I am doing this right but I don't know...if not I am sorry... I am 30 years old, the mother of three children: a son who is 12, a daughter who is 10 (both from my first marriage) and an adopted son who is three (from my current marriage). This is my problem: My husband and I (we have been married for almost seven years) do not get along...he does not get along with my older children. My husband has really bad anger problems. He yells, cusses, screams, threatens and on occasion hits the kids.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I've not seen this concern addressed anywhere and am hoping you can help me to understand it. Ever since our daughter was born four years ago, I've felt my husband places our role as partners second to our role as parents. I'm proud of his love and care for our daughter, but I feel "jilted" in a way because his relationship with her is such a strong focus. It's hard to talk about because it seems childish, and, in fact, when I first brought it up in my daughter's first months, he told me he thought it was immature to want more of his individual attention.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I need information concerning my mother. She has been living with my husband and my two-year-old and me for almost a year. This is not the first time either. When my husband and I just married she moved in the first time. We wished then that she would have gotten her life together. My mother is divorced from a man, my father, who I am not close too. He was an abusive alcoholic. My mom and I have had a rough life together, between being homeless and physically and mentally abused.
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