Birth Control, STD's and Pregnancy
Birth Control for Teenage Daughter
Roger (40) and Lisa (42), the parents of Becky(14), are in the kitchen, having a cup of late night herbal tea, and discussing their daughter. Roger is a journalist and Lisa is a C.P.A. Roger: You what? Lisa: I made an appointment at the gynecologist. For Becky. Roger: For what? Lisa: For birth control. Roger: What are you thinking? She's only 14.
Daughter's Pregnancy Test

Dear WholeMom, My daughter is almost 17. I was cleaning her room and found a used pregnancy testing "stick". It was wrapped in a paper towel in a little used cabinet in her room. The upsetting thing about this is that this is a child who excels in school, will likely get a full scholarship to the school of her choice and never leaves the house without telling me she loves me. I have always talked to my children about sex, consequences as it relates to health, pregnancy and the sometimes emotional turmoil that early intimate relations can result in.
Expert's Comments on STD's
Hang in there: Reader Story on Teen Pregnancy
I Missed My Period - Now What?
Liz on Teen Pregnancy
My Diet Isn't Working!
Sixteen and Pregnant: A Dramalogue
Speaker is school guidance counselor. Terri is outside his office, crying. - Terri - you O.K.? - Well, your eyes are red and you look real down. - Whoa, why are you crying? Come with me to my office. - Here, have a glass of water. - What's going on? - I understand you don't want to tell me but I think maybe I can help. I'll also promise you that I won't do anything without talking it over with you first. Nothing behind your back , O.K.? - So what's wrong? - You think you're pregnant or you're sure you're pregnant.
The Lowdown on Sexually Transmitted Infections
You Are Pregnant: No Easy Answers
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