Chantal Danino Holt
Chantal Danino Holt, the mother of three children, is one of the founders and volunteer directors of SHANI, a non-profit organization against child prostitution, and is also a social worker, Reiki Master, reflexologist, and works in visualization work and psychotherapy with individuals and couples, integrating mind/body/spirit healing with conventional psychology. During the year 1999-2000 she was the coordinator of the WholeFamily Marital Center.
Marital Challenge: Winning the Battle Over Marital Monotony Introduction by Chantal Danino Holt, Coordinator, Marriage Center
Letter writing is one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to create a healing experience for your self and for the people you love the most.
Dr. Deepak Chopra, the well-known author and lecturer on East-West spirituality has once again translated fundamental Eastern spiritual laws into easy to read Western language. The book is addressed to parents who wish to raise children with values that both satisfy spiritual needs and create the experience of abundance. The book explores specific ways to practice the Seven Spiritual Laws as a family, how to convey these laws to children of different ages, and how to embody the laws in age-specific activities each day of the week.
Have you ever fantasized about your dream vacation with your partner? Where does your imagination take you? What are the scents, sights, sounds and feelings associated with your daydream? I posed this question to our team of freelancers and staff. Enjoy this peek into their dream vacations. Camryn's Dream Vacation In my dream vacation I am naked in the water.
Upon the birth of my youngest child, my older daughter told me, "She is lucky to be born in this period of your life". There is a 17-year difference between my two daughters. I have often thought about this, and, over the years, have come to the conclusion that each one of our children is mothered according to where we are in our growth process when we give birth to that child.
"The search for true love is a spiritual quest." At the dawn of the new millennium, the main complaint from partners in intimate relationships is the lack of passion and romance in their marriage. The big crisis of modern marriage is that it tends to become about arrangements: I'll pick up the kids, - I'll do this, you'll do that. Married couples are so busy managing their marital lives that they tend to eliminate all the fun of being together.
"The perfectly mature and spiritually valid relationship must always be deeply connected with personal growth... At any given moment, each partner will serve as a mirror to the inner state of the other and therefore to the relationship." "Creating Union" by Eva Pierrakos and Judith Saly! Being in a love relationship is a human need, essential like breathing fresh air and drinking clean water.
by Chantal Danino Holt. I am a firm believer that everything that comes our way, the good and the bad, is to teach us about ourselves and to help us grow. This is what I call "life's lessons." There is a reliable pattern to one's awareness and application of life's lessons. The process is one of identification, understanding, accepting, applying the lesson, and moving on. To illustrate this process, here is a step-by step account of my inner work, as applied to a bad case of flu which kept me in bed for a week. 1. Identification Identifying the signs that lead to a crisis is the first step of the healing process.
I remember boredom. Those were the bad old days. And nights. When boredom would creep into our relationship, with its own organic rhythm, I would always go wild. Not the positive, empowering, sensuous wild of Women Who Run With the Wolves but the mean streak wild, the tormented wild, the destructive wild, the restless wild of the starving soul wanting to be fed by the other.
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