Dr. Marc Gelkopf, PhD and Elisabeth Gelkopf-Belais, SW
Marc and Elizabeth are a husband and wife team of psychotherapists who work with individuals, couples and families.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, Hi, me and my husband have been married for three years now and we have an 18-month-old son. When I first met my husband he was fun, outgoing and liked to do things. Now he thinks he is too old and doesn't want to do anything anymore. We are only 26 years old. On top of that, the sex has stopped. Granted we have a hard work schedule so we never see each other, but it is starting to bother me. Also, my outlook on life and interests are in living in a new home in the city, where he'd rather live in the country in a log cabin home.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I have been married 16 years. I was so in love with my husband but he hadn't been very affectionate for a long time and really didn't treat me very well. He was never physically abusive but was always cutting me down emotionally, although he still said he loved me. Things kept getting worse, eventually I fell out of love with him. Then he had a fling with a woman he knew I could not tolerate. But he insists it wasn't a full-blown affair. And he even says he feels that deep down inside, he thinks he did it to hurt me. I'm not sure why. I left the bedroom in January and we hadn't had any sexual relations since then. I did not love him and had no desire to be "with" him anymore.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, How do I get my husband to understand that I don't have any free time to myself? I have a three-year-old daughter who demands all my time. I work full-time and my daughter goes to preschool. By the time I get home from work I am tired and have to make dinner, clean up the dishes and get my daughter ready for bed. I don't even have time for myself except on the weekends, if that. He tells me I don't love him like I did before I had my daughter because I spend more time taking care of her then spending quality time with him. He never helps me with her at all. I have told him if he helps me more often with her and things around the house I would have more time for him but he just keeps complaining I don't love him and don't want to spend time with him.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, My fiancé and I have been together for two and a half years and are getting married in two weeks. We have an 18-month-old son together and have lived together for two years. I just found out that nine months ago he had a one night stand with his ex-girlfriend and she just had a baby. She is not sure if it is his or not but for now we are assuming that it is. We have decided to work things out. I am very hurt and scared of how I will feel if the baby is his and we start seeing it and everyone will know that he cheated on me. I love him very much and am willing to forgive him this time but have made it very clear that there cannot be a second time.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I just stumbled across your site as I was looking for some kind of help for my problem...I hope that you can offer some advice. I hope that I am doing this right but I don't know...if not I am sorry... I am 30 years old, the mother of three children: a son who is 12, a daughter who is 10 (both from my first marriage) and an adopted son who is three (from my current marriage). This is my problem: My husband and I (we have been married for almost seven years) do not get along...he does not get along with my older children. My husband has really bad anger problems. He yells, cusses, screams, threatens and on occasion hits the kids.
Dear WholeFamily Counselor, My husband and I started out our marriage with family issues that have basically torn us apart. First, we were both under 30 and the responsibility of raising his emotionally troubled teen-age cousin was "dumped" on us. She became the scapegoat for all our communication troubles because she became an off-limits subject. This child was constantly put out of school, her grades were awful and she had no respect for us. It was not until she physically jumped my husband that he realized I was not the bad person. A few months into the marriage, my brother-in-law moved in with his two children. He was never home to care for them, so now I was a single mother of three.
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